Wednesday 24 August 2016

First post

G'day all

Welcome to your class blog! Every week I will post activities here for you to do in the computer room. The activities will vary between listening, reading or writing tasks. I hope you will enjoy doing them all!

Today's task is for you to create your own blog. How do you do it? Well it's actually quite easy!

First, I'd like you to read through this text and then go back and complete each step.
If you don't have an email address then you'll need to sign up for one! Gmail is easiest for this exercise!

When you create your blog, please choose a 'simple' design as it is easier to manage as the set-up is not complex. Whatever you do, remember to write down the name of your blog as I know that next week you'll have forgotten!!

Once your blog is created you can customise it and make any changes you'd like!

Okay, now click here and follow the prompts to create your new blog.

Ask me for help at any stage of the process!!

Good luck and have fun!!